Thursday, 17 September 2009

Free this weekend? Open House London

A fantastic opportunity for those interested in architecture this weekend - Open House gives you the opportunity to visit buildings all over London for free, some of which are not normally open to the public. Some particularly interesting ones include Apsley House, Benjamin Franklin's House and the Foreign & India Offices. Look here to see what's open in your area or area of interest.


  1. I think the lady who came up with the idea of Open House went to Nonsuch because she was the speaker at our Prizegiving Ceremony.

    I'm only not sure because she was giving a speech about what she did and it wasn't that interesting after a while.

  2. I remember this, she didn't they just thought she was interesting. My parents go to open house though - they were all excited when they realised it was the Open House lady speaking at our prizegiving.
