Monday 6 January 2020

January 6 - Harold II Crowned King of England

This Day in History: 6 January 2020


6 January 1066


954 years ago, today, Harold Godwinson, the head of the most powerful noble family in England, was crowned King Harold II, after the death of Edward the Confessor. On Edward's deathbed, he supposedly appointed Harold as the royal heir, however this claim was later disputed against by William, Duke of Normandy, and cousin of the King. The Witan, the political institution of the time, selected Harold to succeed the next day after the death of Edward, and his coronation followed on the 6th January, on this day, most likely held at Westminster Abbey. Some Norman sources show this coronation as being rather sudden, perhaps due to the fact that all the nobles in the land were present at Westminster already for the feast of the Epiphany.


The new King, however, grew concerned with King Harald III, Hardraade of Norway, and Harold's brother, Tostig's, plans for England. In response, Harold rallied his forces for an invasion against William, but Tostig launched a series of raids instead, which forced King Harold to leave. Later, in September, Tostig joined forces with King Harald III and invaded England, with Harold meeting them at Stamford Bridge on the 25th, where he defeated and killed them both. However, on October 14, Harold met William at the Battle of Hastings, and the king was killed, possibly having been shot through the eye with an arrow. William the Conqueror was crowned the first Norman king of England on Christmas Day.


Want to find out more about the life of King Harold II? Clickhere for more details.


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