Thursday 12 December 2019

December 12 - Kenyan Independence

This Day in History: 12 December 2019


12 December 1963


56 years ago, today, Kenya declared its independence from the United Kingdom. It was formerly British East Africa, but after the Kenya Independence Act of 1964, it became the independent country of Kenya. This came after the first direct elections for the Native Kenyans to the Legislative Council, in 1957. The British hoped to hand power to 'moderate' local rivals, but the government that was actually formed was the Kenya African National Union (KANU) underJomo Kenyatta, an anti-Colonist activist and politician. The previous Colony of Kenya and the Protectorate of Kenya both came to an end on this day, resulting in their independence, and the United Kingdom halting their rule of the country. As well as this, the Sultan of Zanzibar also agreed simultaneously that they would stop their rule over Kenya, so it would be one independent state. A year later, on 12 December 1964, Kenya became a republic, under the name 'Republic of Kenya'.


As well, on the 12 December 1964, at the same time of the Republic of Kenya being established,Jomo Kenyatta was also sworn in as the first president. Under him, corruption was widespread throughout the government, civil service, and business community. His family was tied up with this, as they increased their wealth and status by mass purchasing property after 1963. The family also heavily invested in the coastal hotel business, andJomo Kenyatta personally owned the Leonard Beach Hotel. He ruled until his death in August 1978.


Happy Kenyan Independence Day everybody!


Want to find out more about the history of Kenya? Visit for more information.


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