Wednesday 9 June 2010

Who will be the next Labour leader?

The battle will now commence. There are 5 candidates running - the Miliband brothers (David and Ed), Ed Balls, Andy Burnham and Diane Abbott. Abbott will be the outsider in the contest, only just securing enough backers to be in the competition after John McDonnell pulled out, and being the 'Old Labour' candidate, in her 50s, black and female! The result will be announced on 25th September at the Labour Party Conference. Who do you think will win? And who do you want to win? Here is information about each one which might help you decide


  1. I voted for Ed M in the poll cause I reckon he will win, but I would prefer for it to be David!

  2. I'm hoping that this picture will one day be a regular sight:

  3. Oh sorry, I misread the question. I thought it asked "who has no chance of being the next leader of the Labour Party". *goes to change vote from Diane Abbott*

  4. hello crazy extremist person

    I'm going to go on your website and leave lyrics of rubbish pop songs.

  5. I read in the Guardian today that Diane Abbott only had 30 nominations at 12:29 yesterday, but managed to gain 3 more by the 12:30 deadline, hitting the 33 nomination benchmark, which is amazing! Good of John McDonnell and David to lend her their nominations, and encourage their supporters to do the same.

    "Jim Murphy, the shadow Scottish secretary, revealed that David Miliband had lobbied in favour of Abbott. "Good that David Miliband spent morning on phone persuading MPs to nominate Diane Abbott," Murphy said on Twitter. "It worked and good for contest."" :) :)

  6. Good of them to nominate her, but perhaps a bit sad that the only way she could get nominated is through other candidaties begging MPs to 'lend' her their nominations. I know it is good to have a fair contest, but I personally think someone who clealy lacks the support of their own party is not the person to lead Labour for the next few years and into the next election.

    Not like, I don't know, David Miliband for example. He gets my vote. Or would, if I was a Labour member...

  7. It's tempting to become a Labour member just so i can vote for David Miliband
