Wednesday 19 May 2010

The most ambitious reform since 1832?

What do you think - is this the greatest political reform since 1832? Nick Clegg certainly seems to think so. His suggestions in a speech today are important for the constitutional reform topic for Politics students and obviously ideal for Historians wanting a quick overview of some of the key statistics and reforms involved in 1832. A valid comparison or a huge exaggeration?


  1. I don't know about reform, but is it just me, or does Mr Clegg look tired and old within a week or so of getting his new job? I bet he'll be grey-haired at the end of five years.

  2. and who ever said politics was just about image?

  3. Some good responses to Clegg's comparison in today's Guardian.

  4. politics is obviously all about image, that's why we've got David Cameron as PM

    as for the greatest reform ever, i think it's not really that "great"... and i'm not liking the thought of an elected Lords - will they be getting more powers, otherwise i just don't see how it will work, however bring on PR for elections... :)
