Sunday 14 February 2010

Gordon Brown and Piers Morgan

What did you think about Piers Morgan's interview of Gordon Brown on Sunday night? The Prime Minister was certainly very candid about his personal life, particularly the death of his daughter Jennifer. He was rather more reticent when discussing his relationship with Tony Blair. Do you think this interview will be of benefit to him, or will people dismiss the programme as a cynical part of the election campaign? Are there any subjects you would have liked him to discuss? Do you think Piers Morgan did a good job? Comments below, please!

If you missed the programme, you can catch it here for the next month. There are also further clips here.


  1. Gordon Brown seemed nervous but he came off overall rather well. He seemed best when they talked about Sarah. According to the Piers Morgan diaries, Brown and Morgan are quite good mates so this was undoubtedly helpful for Gordon. If it had been an interview between Cameron for example, there would have been a much more different atmosphere, possibly more formal.

  2. I think that he will benefit from it. People have demonized him recently for the mistakes he has made, and the moment people get angry with a politician they forget that they still have emotions and a life outside politics. I think this interview will remind people that he is still human, and will also bring a level of openness to politics that the public want right now.
